World Bank Document

(Jacob Rumans) #1
■ 271

Appendix: Titles and Abstracts
of Papers Not Included in Full
in This Volume

A Critical and Comparative Evaluation of CO 2 Emissions from
National Building Stocks of Developed and Rapidly-Developing
Countries—Case Studies of UK, USA, and India
Rajat Gupta and Smita Chandiwala

Th e IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report (2007) on greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
sion mitigation potential identifi ed buildings as a sector where the fastest and
deepest cuts are likely to be made in the period up to 2030. Given such a con-
text, this paper answers the questions: What can be done to achieve signifi cant
reductions in CO 2 emissions from the existing building stock of developed
and rapidly developing countries to reduce the worst impacts of climate
change? How can we measure, benchmark, reduce, and manage CO 2 emis-
sions from energy use in the existing building stock? What are the barriers in
implementing appropriate CO 2 reduction measures in buildings, and how can
these barriers be reduced? A critical and comparative evaluation is undertaken
of the approaches and policies to measure, benchmark, reduce, and manage
energy consumption and CO 2 emissions from the existing building stocks
in  India, the United Kingdom, and the United States, to share the lessons
learned in implementing CO 2 -reducing policies in each of these countries.
A comparative analysis is also undertaken of environmental rating methods,
BRE Environmental Assessment Method/Code for Sustainable Homes
(BREEAM/CSH) in the United Kingdom, Leadership in Energy and Environ-
mental Design (LEED) in the United States, and the Energy and Resources
Institute’s Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (TERI-GRIHA)
and LEED-India in India. Robust performance-based standards (in terms of
kWh/m^2 /year or kg CO 2 /m^2 /year) are proposed for reducing the energy con-
sumption in existing buildings, which could be adopted by any developed or

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