Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience

(Nancy Kaufman) #1






Experimental listening 24 Aug 2011. LCB and EC (Bartok continued)

Observations and comments by LCB, if not otherwise indicated

15th listening: Open listening open

LCB: The very first tone pushes me back in the chair, and lowers my personal tempo immediately.
And I know the music very well, I expect the merry sections.
The piccolo in B2 is very good, his playing is ”laid back”, he does not rush the tempo, does not
I feel my attention as a pressure around the eyes, as if I am observing from the back side of my

EC’s afterthought: sensory integration; listening activates not only auditory attention, but also the
skin and muscles around the eyes.
”We feel ourselves seeing with the eyes” (Damasio 2010: 91,196)

16th listening: Open listening, lying down open

LCB: It is dangerous to lie down, I don’t concentrate on the music, I come to think of other things,
the weather, a choir rehearsal yesterday, a Disney movie...
I come to think of the sound, I am curious to see the notation in the printed score.
The direction of the sound is different, flowing over my body.
And I feel the basses physically as vibrations in the floor

17th listening: Instruction: Listen for transparence and density foc/herm

I feel there is a membrane between me and the music, thicker than the surface of a soap bubble.

A1: I am looking through the surface, then comes the first tone
B1: The music is whirling, like a surface of pixels partly filled in
A2: The sound of the oboe is like fire, quiet flames which penetrate and enliven the membrane
B2: The membrane dissolves and disappears completely
A3: The melody is like columns in an open scene. The accompaniment plays in the orchestra pit

EC’s afterthought: LCB understood the instruction as hermeneutical, setting a scene behind a
transparent surface. The alternative possibility is to adopt a wide focus, listening for the texture of
the music in order to observe varying degrees of transparence or density.

Appendix 2.02 Experimental listening Bartok

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