Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Appendix 3.03 Survey of The Neurosciences

and Music III Conference 2008

Disorders and Plasticity

Title, Category


Mus. Material, Cultural Ref.

Technology & Procedure

Main focus

of interest



. Hyde et al.



Music and structural brain development
Cat. 9: Child development
Cat. 10: Training

. Marin



Musical training and syntax development
Cat. 6: Language
Cat. 10: Training

. Moreau et al.



Mismatch negativity in congenital amusia
Cat. 1: Pitch
Cat. 11: Deficit 27S

. Rochette & Bigand

Auditory training in severely deaf children
Cat. 10: Training
Cat. 11: Deficit

To demonstrate structural brain changes in relati

on to

behavioral changes in children who received 15 months of instrumental training
To investigate cildren’s knowledge of western harmony, and the relationship between musical training and language abilities
Using Mismatch Negativity (MMN) to investigate pre

attentive pitch change detection in amusics
To evaluate a training program that includes numerous nonliguistic stimuli that tap into several means of cognitive processing

Task material:
For behavioral tests: 4


motor sequencing test, and


”Melodic and Rhythmic Discrimination Test Battery”
assessing music listening and discrimination skills
CR: Western Piano or trumpet timbre. Priming paradigm: 3 chords, a target chord preceded by priming: IV

-V or no



-bIII chords. CR: Weste


Tones synthesized in piano timbre. Standard tone 1047 Hz (C6), deviant tones 25 cents or 200 cents higher or
lower in pitch
CR: Neutral 4 categories of auditory stimuli: environmental sounds, music, voices, and abstract sounds
CR: Western

MRI scanni

ng followed by

automated Deformation

Based Morphometry (DBM) analyses. 15 6

-year children

receiving keyboard instruction for 15 months, 16 controls
31 German-

speaking children


mean age 4 years 11 months.
13 attended an early musical training course


36 trials

of paradigm

MMN: 10 amusic adults, 8 matched controls. Instruction: Ignore auditory stimulation while watching a silent movie with sub



4 profound and 2 severely deaf children

, mean age 9 y,


with games on a

sounding platform. After 20 weeks of training, four tasks:
identification, discrimination, Auditory Scene Analysis (ASA), memory


induced brain

plasticity Dependent variables: Response time and accuracy
MMN Event-

related potential

(ERP) components elicited by pitch changes corresponding to an eighth of a tone
Accuracy and processing times for tasks. Comparison of test 1 before training, test 2 just after training, and test 3 6 months later

Instrumental children showed areas of greater voxel size change in motor brain areas. Also differences in other brain regions
Preschoolers possess implicit knowledge of Western harmony regardless of early musical training. Children with musical training showed enhanced language abilities
No significant difference between

amusics and

controls. The amusic brain can process small pitch changes at a pre


level of processing
Children gained benefits of auditory training over a rather short period. Auditory training had a positive side effect on a phonetic discrimination test, for which there was no training
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