Music Listening, Music Therapy, Phenomenology and Neuroscience

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Appendix 3.03 Survey of The Neurosciences

and Music III Conference 2008

Disorders and Plasticity

Title, Category


Mus. Material, Cultural Ref.

Technology & Procedure

Main focus of interest


  1. Palmer et al.



Neural correlates of contextual eff


Cat. 13: Expectation
Cat. 15: Structure 69S

. Lidji et al.



MMN to vowel and pitch
Cat.1: Pitch
Cat. 6: Phonemes

. Neuhaus et al.

ERP study on musical form perception
Cat. 15: Musical form

. Nguyen et al.

Tonal language processing in amusia Cat. 6: Language
Cat. 11: Deficit

To investigate neural responses

to timbral,

temporal, and melodic



coexist in a

longer melodic context To investigate whether vowel and pitch changes are proc

essed as integrated or
separated units at an early preattentive level indexed by the

Mismatch Negativity

) in sung stimuli

To investigate how consecutive phrase patterns in the musical form types AABB and ABAB are conjoined perceptually
To examine the transfer of deficit

between music and

language by examining the effects of impaired musical pitch perception on the discrimination of lexical tones

Melodic tones: piano timbre. Timbre deviants: steel guitar.
6 Melodies of 17 isochronous tones system

atically com

bining a) ascending


ing patterns. b) no

, one, or

two temporal accents. c

) n


or one timbral deviant tone
CR: Western
Standards: two synthesized vowels sung on C3 (130 Hz) and C#3 (138 Hz). Deviants: pitch height, vowel identity, or both
CR: Neutral 150 8

-bar piano melodies in

C, E and Ab major. Half of them were of type AABB, half type ABAB
CR: Western
98 words spoken by a female native speaker of Mandarin Chinese, with 1 of 4 possible tones: level, mid


dipping, and hi


-falling tone

CR: French/Chinese



related potential




melodies. 16 musically trained young adult listeners

. Task in

order to ensure attentive processing:

Indicate timbre

changes at the end of each trial



Potentials (


) recorded

from 12 nonmusicians watching a silent movie, while sequences of repetitive standard sounds and rare deviants were presented through headphones



Potentials (


) recorded

from 16 nonexpert listeners. Task: to evaluate whether adjacent or nonadjacent patterns are related to each other
20 amusic and 20 control French-



listened to pairs of words, half using same tone, half using different tones

.Task: Judge

same or different

Detection accuracy

and ERPs

were measured for the accent manipulations. Grand average group data for Mismatch Negativity (MMN) and

P300 responses
Whether Mismatch Negativity (MMN) responses produce additive effects when manipulated simultaneously in a single stimulus (d


deviant) Grand average ERPs for form types AABB and ABAB. Especially

an anterior


To assess whether amusic individuals would be able to discriminate pitch variations in an unfamiliar language

Listeners’ neural responses to musical s


changed systematically as sequential predictability and listeners’ expectations changed across the melodic context MMN

to vowel and pitch

deviants did not show significant additivity. Suggestion: vowel and pitch are processed by shared neural s

ubstrates at the

preattentive level
73% of melodies evaluated as ”hierarchical”. ERP data show that brain responses are strongly affected by form type, but do not correlate with the rating decisions
Even if the amusic group performed significantly b


the control group, there was a high degree of overlap between the scores obtained by amusics and controls
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