The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


Here, we will discuss the theories behind the Art of Approaching. This section will lay
the groundwork on the concepts that will be discussed later on in this book, along with
different tactics and strategies that one must be aware of if they are going to learn to
approach any woman they want, anytime they want, anywhere they may be.

Some of you may be tempted to skip this section and go right to the Openers. I highly
recommend you DO NOT do that!

I know you want to get to the “meat” of this book. But I’m a firm believer that if you
understand why what you’re doing works, you’ll be much more effective at it!

So I encourage you to take the time to read through this section and UNDERSTAND
these concepts before immersing yourself in the tactics and techniques that fill out the
other sections of this manual.

Now that that’s out of the way, whip out your pens and papers boys...

School’s in session!

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