The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


As people go about their daily lives, they exist within a personal bubble they create for

This bubble not only encompasses everything they know to be true in life, but also
everything they feel they have to do. When you’re driving down the street and see other
cars on the road, the people in those cars have a destination they have to get to, and they
are consumed with getting to that destination. When you see someone pushing around a
cart in a grocery store, they are consumed with getting the items they need.

In short, everyone exists in their own personal bubble. And that bubble does not include

So if your goal is to approach someone, you’re going to have to infiltrate that bubble they
erect around themselves. This is as simple as using verbal exclamations that will grab
someone’s attention and admit you into their bubble.

I call these exclamations “Intruders,” because when you use them, they allow you
intrude upon these personal bubbles.

Four examples of intruders are:

  1. Hi

  2. Hey

  3. Yo

  4. Stop

We use these words every day, instinctually, when interacting with people. These four
simple words allow us to easily enter people’s personal bubbles and begin interacting
with them.

But they all have their place when interacting with someone, and knowing which ones are
most effective in certain situations is crucial to being able to approach anyone, anytime,
anywhere you may be.

For instance, the Intruder “Hi.”

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