The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

gives your target the opportunity to reject your entrance into their reality, should they so

The purpose of Intruders is to give your target no choice but to let you in, something
which “Excuse me” does not do. Therefore, you should opt NOT to use this phrase when
approaching someone.


Intruders work for single targets, but they also work well for groups.

When approaching a group, it is usually best (and more natural) to add a plural of some
sort to the Intruder you are using.

The exception to this is when you use the Intruder “Stop,” because “Stop” can be used for
one person or a thousand people, and it carries the same meaning.

A good plural to use with Intruders is the word “guys.”

Approaching a group with the Intruder “Hi guys,” “Hey guys,” or “Yo guys,” will help
you infiltrate the group bubble they’ve created.

The word “there” is also effective, and can be used for single or group targets. “Hi
there,” and “Hey there,” will get you good effect. Other plurals you can use are “dudes,”
“fellas,” “people,” etc.

Some plurals you will want to avoid when using Intruders is “girls,” or “ladies” when
approaching women you desire. Both of these immediately point out the sexual
difference between them and you, and telegraph your intent, which could cause the girl’s
to raise their defenses.

Obviously, you CAN use both these plurals and succeed, but it’ll make your job harder.
A danger using these types of plurals is that you can also come off sounding cheesy or
sleazy, depending on how you deliver them. It’s best to keep neutral when Intruding
upon someone’s personal bubble.

Time Constraints

No matter what you use to Intrude upon someone’s personal bubble, they will always put
up some resistance to admitting you because people, by nature, are busy.

This is why you’ll want to add in “Time Constraints” into your Intruders.

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