The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


This is a small, but important thing to be aware of when approaching women, and this is
the concept of...


Tonality refers to the volume, pitch, and tone of your voice. Many men overlook this
when they are talking to people because they are more focused on what they are going to
say rather than how they are saying it. But if you’re not careful, your tonality can
actually drive people away from you, no matter how engaging your material is.

If you don’t believe this, just try imagining fingernails scratching against a chalkboard.

Did you cringe? If not, then think of a time when that actually happened. Did you cringe

Seriously, the sound something makes can be the difference between an enjoyable
experience and a horrible one. So it is important to be aware of the sound of your voice
as you are talking to women you want to meet.

This is important for a few reasons:

  1. Being aware of the sound of your voice helps you to control it.

  2. When you can control your voice, you can influence how others react to you.

  3. When you can influence how others react to you, you have an easier time getting
    them to do what you want!

The last time you got angry, did you yell and scream? How did people respond to you?
Most of the time when someone gets angry, they become more forceful in their tone of
speech, and that instills fear in people which will overwhelm any objections they may
have to your requests and get them to do what you want.

By the same token, if you’re being playful and funny, and maybe talking excitedly and
rapidly, people may be hanging on your every word!

So imagine what it’s like when you’re able to control your tonality in speak in a warm,
friendly voice? Or better yet, a deep, sexy voice.

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