The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

But when they are already IN those social circles, they feel safe, and their guard actually
goes down, making them MORE open to meeting people outside their already established

So if you know how to approach groups of people, your success with interacting with
women will increase exponentially.

Group approaches are especially important to know in Bars, Clubs, and Parties. In these
venues, people tend to go out with their friends looking to have a good time. You will
very rarely find a girl in these places who is by herself.

So if you hope to be successful in these social venues, you MUST know how to approach
groups of people (and when I say groups of PEOPLE, that’s what I mean. These groups
can be either all women, or women and men).

This is where Group Theory comes into play.

I learned Group Theory from my friend and teacher Mystery. Mystery developed a very
effective means of approaching groups of people in any venue, which he learned in his
days doing street magic.

He has dubbed this technique Group Theory.

I’ll go over some basics I’ve perfected here, but if you really want to get detailed
information on how to do this, I suggest you take a look at my Advanced Multi-Media
Course. In it, I go in-depth into how to approach groups of women – even if they have
other men in the group! You can check out the Advanced Course Here.

The basics of Group Approaching is very simple. There are two categories of people in
every group:

  1. Your target

  2. Your obstacles

Your target is, of course, the person you wish to get alone eventually so you can begin
forming a relationship with them. Your obstacles are anyone in the group who could
keep you from doing that.

The first thing to keep in mind once you have determined who your target is and who
your obstacles are is this:

You never approach your target first!

Remember earlier how we talked about the danger of telegraphing interest? Well, in
group situations, it is even more counterproductive to telegraph interest, because not only
will your target put up resistance, but her friends will aid her in that resistance.

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