The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1



Back when I was a kid, I was in the Boy Scouts. Now, anyone who knows anything
about the Boy Scouts will know that tried and true motto: Always Be Prepared. It’s
simple, it’s elegant, and most importantly – it’s damn effective!

In life, this motto will help you achieve any goal you want. Being prepared for what you
want is the best way to receive it. The universe will always give you that which you are
after, but only if you are ready for it!

So the first thing you should do before you even step foot outside the house is to know
what you want.

Seriously. It amazes me how few guys know what it is they want. Here’s a little secret
for you: If you don’t know what you want, you’ll never get it!

Do you want a one night stand? Do you want a girlfriend? Do you want a wife? Do you
want a blonde, brunette, or redhead? Do you want a woman with big boobs? Do you
want a highly educated woman? Do you want a woman who is independent? Do you
want a woman who smokes? Do you want a single mom? Do you want a woman who
loves giving blowjobs? Do you want a woman who is white, black, latin, or asian?

The list can go on and on. The fact is, knowing what you want will help you to get it!
Why? Because you eliminate all the other distractions that could keep you from getting
what you want or prolong your search.

For instance, let’s say you want to settle down and you’re looking for a woman to get
married to. Are you going to waste your time picking up party girls who want to go out
every night, dress sexy so other guys can oogle them, and never stay at home except
maybe to shower and change clothes?

Of course not!

You’re going to go after women who have settled down and are looking for stability. So
this means you have to forget about those nightclubs all your buddies are going to, and
look for venues where you can find the type of women you want.

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