The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

tattoos, smoke cigarettes, and like to wear a lot of black clothing with chains attached,
you’re going to have an advantage approaching strippers because they typically like that
type of man.

So now that you know what you want, figure out what the woman you’re after wants, and
tailor your image to suit that. It will make your job much, much easier when it comes
time to meet them.

But regardless of your image, you should always make an effort to look your best.
Things like showering, brushing your teeth, and working out regularly go a long way not
only in attracting women, but in your general sense of health. Always try to look your
best whenever you’re going out in public, because you just never know when that girl
you’re looking for will be there.


Once you know how you want to tailor your image, it’s time for you to cultivate it. This
means you gotta put some money forth. Now, if you’re a guy like me, you HATE to go
clothes shopping! Not only can it be expensive, but it can be a real pain in the butt!!!

However, putting the time and effort in now will pay off later when you got the girl of
your dreams in your arms!

Now that you know what image you want to have, you’ll have to pick the right store to
shop at. Different stores cater to different styles, and different bank accounts. Clothing
is a mix-and-match game, where sometimes you have to piece together outfit from many
sources. But typically, you want a set of clothes to have a certain theme.

For instance, if you work at an office, you want to project a professional image, so all
your clothes for the office might be nice, dark suits with monochrome shirts and flashy
ties. But when you go out to concerts, maybe you have a bunch of ripped pants and faded
vintage T-shirts.

Different environments call for different types of dress.

I believe that we all have different personas in different areas of our lives. Maybe at the
workplace, you’re a vicious shark who no one wants to mess with because you really
know your stuff and you’re an expert at what you do. That’s your “work” persona. But
when you go home to visit mom and dad, you’re quiet and you do what you’re told
because you don’t want to fight with your parents. That’s your “son” persona.

We all do this, depending on how comfortable or confident we are in different situations.
Your type of dress will determine how strong your persona is.

When you do go shopping for clothes, here’s some advice for you. Take your time!
Make sure you’re not rushed, because you’re making an investment in your future. You

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