The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
The idea behind this Opener is to start imitating your target in the most
annoyingly whiny, over-exaggerated, girlie-voice you can muster.

Girl: (talking to her friends) “Oh my God, I saw the most amazing pair of
shoes today...”
You: (in high-pitched tone) “Meeeeh!!! Ohmuhgawd! I saw the most
amazin’ pair ah SHOES taday.... MEEEEEH!!!!”
Girl: “Seriously, I want to get them.”
You: “Meeeh, lookatme! I wanna buy some shoes! MEEEEH!!!!!”

And on and on it goes.

This is a good Opener to use if the girl is holding court and you’re standing

Eventually the girl will engage you about what you’re doing, at which point she is
effectively Opening you. From here you can either tell her you’re just busting on
her because you couldn’t resist, or apologize and move onto another Opener or

If you do this right, people around you will be laughing. If you do it wrong, those
people won’t be around you for long.

--The “Did he call?” Opener

This is an Opener I use when I see a girl checking her cell phone or just getting
off her cell phone. Simply acknowledge her and say:

“Did he call yet?”

This is implying that she’s desperately waiting for her boyfriend or some guy she
likes to call her. There are two possibilities that are common responses to this
Opener. Either the girl will say “No.” Or they’ll ask “Did who call?”

With the “No,” follow up by saying something like:

“That’s a shame. You seem like such an amazing woman! Is there
something wrong with you?”

With the “Did who call?” response, follow up with:

“You know, the guy who’s head-over-heels in love with you. Or are you
playing hard to get with him too?”

With either of these follow-ups, you’re undermining the statement you made
before and setting the stage for her to correct your statements.

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