The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


In a way, the Joke Opener is the most powerful way to Open a target, but it is also the
most difficult Opener to do.

The reason it is difficult is because the Opener has to be funny.

But the reason it’s powerful is because it gets your target laughing, and laughter is
instantly disarming, and raises your perceived social value to the target.

Another reason why this type of Opener can be a bit sticky is because you’re going to
have to be congruent with the funny/entertaining aspect of it.

For instance, if you’re a stick-in-the-mud with the emotional expressiveness of Al Gore,
or better yet, a cardboard box, and the only funny thing you do all night is your pre-
memorized Joke Opener, people are going to know something’s off and you’ll lose your

But if you’re a funny guy, or even a somewhat intelligent guy who can crack a joke or
two, an Opener like this should work just fine.


So how do we construct a good Joke Opener?

Well, the basis of a joke – or any form of humor at all – is the unexpected.

Think about every funny joke you’ve ever heard. The punchline is always something you
weren’t expecting. So in order for you to construct a Joke Opener, you have to have a set
up that leads someone to believe one thing, and then a punchline that unexpectedly brings
in a new perspective to the set-up.

So here’s the structure:

Intruder Æ Set-Up Æ Unexpected Punchline

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