The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
This Primary Opener is what you are ALWAYS going to Open with. It’ll be the
first thing you say to a girl.

This way, you won’t have to think about which Opener to choose, you already
know which one you’re going to start with.

Third step:

--Find a place to practice

This can be anywhere there are women around. Be it a bar, a club, the beach, a
church group, the super-market, or wherever you want to go.

The only requirement is that there has to be people there, and hopefully a good
number of them to practice with.

Fourth step:

--Pick a Target

Be it a woman who’s on her own, or a group of people, pick your target to use
your Primary Opener on.

Fifth step:

--Approach your target

Once you have set a target, it is time to Open them. Walk up to whomever you’ve
chosen, and present your Opener.

Sixth step:

--Get your target’s response

After you use your Primary Opener, listen to the target’s response and evaluate it.
Do people respond well to the Opener? Does it engage them? Do they talk to

Regardless, just get their response.

And the final step of Bootcamp is:


Once you have received your target’s response, thank them, and leave your target
with “Pleasure meeting you.”

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