The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

“Well, most guys date the way you’re doing,” said David. “They take the girl out to
dinner and a movie. But if you take the movie out of the equation because that’s not
really quality time, they’re really only taking her to dinner for an hour or so. Therefore,
the date is really only an hour long.

But me, I’ll try to take the girl I’m with many different places. I’ll take her out to dinner,
but then maybe I’ll walk around with her and window shop for a bit. Then maybe we’ll
go someplace and dance for a while, then head someplace different for drinks. Now let’s
say I spend an hour doing each thing, that’s four hours of dating, and technically four
different dates.”

“How is that four different dates if you did all that in one night?” I asked.

“The brain is a funny thing,” said David. “See, memory processes certain events based
on its surroundings. Let’s say I spent four hours with a girl in a restaurant. She’ll
remember all four hours as one event. But let’s say we go from restaurant, to shop, to
dance floor, to drinks in those four hours. Now, instead of remembering the date as a
single event, she remembers four separate events.”

My eyes widened as I began to understand what David was saying. “So you’re telling me,
that because you took her to four different places, with four different surroundings, it
feels like she’s gone on four dates with you when she remembers it?”

David nodded. “Exactly. And because of that, her concept of how long she’s known me
is distorted. So even though we went on one four hour date, the mind processes it as four
separate dates. And when that happens, it dramatically increases the level of trust and
comfort she feels around me, and reduces the time it takes to get her romantically
involved with me.”

“That’s... that’s... that’s...” I stuttered, trying to find the words.

“Brilliant?” David grinned slyly.

“I was going to say EVIL, but yeah, brilliantly evil.”

David laughed. “Well, if you think about it, it makes sense. To use a hypnosis term, it’s
a time distortion technique. The longer she feels she’s known you, the more comfortable
she’ll be with you.”

After that diner with David, I began applying his mini-date theory to my own dates, and
found a dramatic improvement in results. Whereas before it was taking me four to five
dates to get the girl comfortable with me, it would now only take me one.

And the great thing about mini-dating is that it doesn’t even have to take place at
different locations. It can take place in different parts of the same location. If you’re in a

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