The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

So there I was, sitting on my bed, in the dark, on a Friday night, with a slice of pizza in
one hand and my “Hey, how ya doin’” in the other, masturbating to reruns of Three’s
Company. And then it hit me...

I’d just reached the lowest moment of my life.

In that moment of this epiphany, a wave of emotion crashed down on me unlike anything
I had ever experienced before. It was like a blanket of sheer despair had wrapped itself
around me.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I began crying for no reason. I threw the pizza against a
wall and proceeded to completely trash my room, throwing everything I could, screaming
like a wild man the entire time.

Finally, I collapsed on the floor and cried.

“Is this it?” I thought. “Is this what I have to look forward to my entire life?”

Then, the thought came into my head. The way I saw it, I had two options...

The first option was to kill myself.

The second, was to change my life for the better.

In that moment, the first option seemed like the best one, because I never in my life
believed I could figure out how to make my life better.

But then I realized that since I was already at rock bottom, ANYTHING would be better
than what I was currently doing.

Thus began my long journey into the art and science of women, dating, and relationships.
It was (and still is) a difficult journey, but an incredibly rewarding one. It is one that has
served me well in life, and continues to do so, time and time again.

Through my journey, I learned much of what I’m going to share with you in this book.
What lies within its pages is not theory or lofty ideas, but hard learned lessons that came
from the trenches of many nights getting rejected by one woman after another, after

The funny thing is, it took masturbating to Suzanne Sommers to realize that it was time
for me to change.

Chances are, something happened to you, too, that signaled it was time for a change. But
the good news is, your change will be easier to do than mine was. Because I’ll be there
to help you when you need it, with the lessons contained in this book.

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