The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


Okay, now that you have the Do’s and Don’t’s, it’s time to share with you the coup de
grace of the Art of Flirting.

This is the nuclear bomb that you can drop on any woman to move from flirting with a
girl, to getting her madly, passionately attracted to you!

You ready for it?

Okay, here it comes...

The best and most effective form of flirting is joking and innuendo about sex!

If you didn’t know this before, let me just say this is one of those concepts that’s so
simple, it’s easy to overlook.

When you sit down and boil everything to its core, all you are doing from the moment
you meet a woman is trying to get her to have sex with you. After sex is when the
relationship stuff kicks in, but before that, it’s all building up intercourse. You know it,
and the girl knows it too!

As I said before, flirting is about communicating your interest in a woman and finding
out if she feels the same way. But flirting is also about building up attraction! And as we
all know, attraction is a sure-fire way to get some hot, steamy loving!

But the tricky thing is, you can’t just come out and start talking about how bad you want
to bang her. You have to employ some tact.

The best way to introduce the topic of sex while flirting is through humor and innuendo.
Humor is effective because it’s disarming. It takes some of the edge and stigma off of the
topic of sex, and breaks down any barriers the woman you’re with may have about
talking about it.

Innuendo is effective because it’s unclear. You’re implying sexual overtones, but it’s all
about how she interprets what you’re saying. Instead of breaking down her barriers about
sex, innuendo bypasses them and sneaks the suggestion of sexuality into her brain.

Often times, innuendo begets humor. The more innuendo you can slip in, the more
sexual the conversation will become. Be sure to read your target while you’re doing this,

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