I am willing to bet that most guys who cannot talk to or approach women do not have
many female friends in their social circles. And if they do, the girls are friends they
would like to have sex with. They do not know what it is like to truly be friends with a
girl they do not want to sex up, and because of that, there is always a feeling of
comfortableness just below the surface of their interaction with girls, which the girls can
pick up on and which completely throws off the guy’s state.
So the trick is to expand your social circle so it becomes something that is conducive to
getting you laid.
The fact is, a female friend is the most powerful tool you have in your seduction arsenal,
especially if she is attractive.
Approaching other women with another woman who can social proof you and talk you up
is probably the single most invaluable trick there is to meeting them. When you have a
female with you who is actively working to HELP you get laid, chances are it will
happen, and more quickly than if you were acting on your own.
Not only that, but the girl will also have friends that she will try to hook you up with if
you demonstrate you’re cool enough to be her friend. Through these girls, you will find
your comfort around women increase, along with you success rate.
So how do you do this? Well, the first step is to befriend a girl.
How is this done?
Most guys have had a lot of experience with the “Let’s Just Be Friends” area of life. But
this is not the same thing. The fact is, with the “Let’s Just Be Friends” stigma, you are not
really the girl’s friend because you still want to have sex with her and she knows it.
The best way I know how to expand your social circle is to befriend other GUYS who are
good with women. Not the type of guys who use women and throw them away, but the
type of guys who are fun and always surrounded by girls. You befriend this guy, and he
will introduce you to the girls who surround them.
You can meet these guys anywhere, and it’s much easier to approach and make friends
with men because there is no sexual tension there. You guys can connect on basic male
subjects such as sports, women, business, etc. If nothing else, you may make a new
valuable male friend out of the deal.
You can meet these guys anywhere you go, be it a club, bar, museum, concert, etc. It
doesn’t matter. You will meet them doing stuff you like to do. Most guys will go for the
girls right away, but if you befriend the guy who is IN with the girls, he will help you to
get them.
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