The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

This problem persisted for a number of months, until I couldn’t take it any more. I
decided to quit, just as Gerrymander had. I felt like I knew every possible Opener,
Routine, and Cold Reading there was, and none of it was doing me any good.

In my frustration, I withdrew from all my mentors, all my friends, and left the world of
dating and seduction behind.

To say I was upset and angry was an understatement. I felt like I had made a fool of
myself. To think that I could actually believe that a fat, ugly slob like me could actually
attract women with nothing but his words and attitude?

I had failed.

I thought about the incident that had originally set me down this path. The night when I
broke down in my dorm room, and I wondered if I’d actually come very far since then.
Sure, I could approach any woman I wanted, but even still, I was no closer to having a
girlfriend at that point than I was a few years earlier.

It was around this time that a good friend of mine from college had come to visit me in
Los Angeles. He was staying at my place while he was visiting. One night, he was going
out to meet up with an old friend of his who lived out here as well, and invited me to
come along.

Since I had stopped going out every night, I found that I had very little to do, so I agreed
to meet them for drinks later on.

We met at the Cabo Cantina on the Sunset Strip, across the street from the posh Standard

I got there early and decided to try and drink myself out of my funk before my friend and
his friend arrived. So I took advantage of the 2 for 1 special and began to drink heavily.

By the time my friend arrived, I was pretty well drunk. Having no one to talk to for
about an hour, I was able to drink pretty fast, and had underestimated how quickly the
alcohol would take effect on me.

My buddy sat down at my table and introduced his friend.

“Joe, this is Ramirez. He’s a friend from my home town.”

I squinted at Ramirez. He was half black, half Latin. Skinny guy with a nice complexion
and dark features. Aside from some rather bushy eyebrows, he could have easily been a
male model.

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