The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


Does the idea of being attracted to yourself feel uncomfortable to you?

Do you think it’s gay to look at yourself in the mirror and say “Oh yeah! You’re looking

Do you feel its better to be critical about how you look because it will push you to change
and look better, rather than be happy with how you look at this very moment?

There are some guys in this world (usually those who make up the elite 10%), who say “I
am happy with how I look. I look good. Girls will like the way I look.”

And then there are guys (usually the ones who make up the unlucky 90%) who are
unhappy with how they look, how their life is going, and think they need to do something
to change themselves before they can experience true success.

These guys say things to themselves like:

“I’m out of her league.”
“I could never get a girl like that.”
“I’d cut off my right arm to get a chance to bang her.”
“I’m too old, she’ll never go for me.”
“Girls don’t like short guys.”
“I’m bald. Women only go for men who have hair.”
“If I don’t look like Brad Pitt, no girl will be attracted to me.”
“My hair/clothes/shoes/whatever has to look a certain way before a girl will find me
“I need to drive an expensive car to be noticed by women.”
“Every girl I meet is a bitch.”
“I’m cursed. Women just don’t find me attractive.”
“What would my friends say?”
“I’m not good looking enough.”
“It’ll just happen...”
“It’s too late for me.”
“It’s not worth it.”
“I’m not worth it.”

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