The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

It is these negative influences that cause us to be unhappy in this life, and it prevents us
from achieving the kind of close personal relationships that we human beings DESERVE
to have.

In my time working with men who need help with their love life, I meet all kinds.
Christians, Catholics, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Agnostics, Mystics, Spiritualists, etc.

Some religions are better than others in the respect that the people who believe in them
don’t carry as many negative belief systems. But the big culprits of negative beliefs can
be traced back to:

  • Christianity

  • Judaism

  • Islam

The real reason for this is that these religions stem from a very different time in the world.
It’s a time when men regarded women differently than they do in the modern day.

And as you know, religion is VERY slow to change.

You must be careful to consider the fact that religion can (and will) install various types
of guilt and shame into your mind that just shouldn’t belong there.

Primarily: shame about sex.

I used to have a great deal of hate and bitterness towards women – for no real good

Once I sat back and started thinking about why I felt so negatively about women, I began
to realize that these feelings stemmed from deeply seated beliefs I had that were given to
me by my faith.

I felt ashamed about being sexually attracted to women. I was brought up to believe sex
was something to be whispered about, and that you shouldn’t even CONSIDER it before

Because of this, I knew little about my own sexuality, and when I experienced feelings of
lust and desire, I’d mistake them for love. And once you commit to love, you commit to
the possibility your heart will be broken.

If your heart is broken enough times, you will start to well up negative and painful
feelings within you.

I also regarded women in an unrealistic way because of my religious beliefs.

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