The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

His script sucked.

This town was too difficult.

No one would give him a fair shot.

His parents told him to move back home because he was going to fail.

He didn’t want to submit his script to anyone because he felt like it was going to get

My friend lasted six months in Los Angeles before he moved back home and gave up on
his dream of being a screenwriter.

He surrounded himself with negativity, and sure enough, his fears and insecurities
became a self-fulfilling prophesy.

But the funny thing is – this happens to EVERYONE who allows negative thoughts to
come into their life.

Remember this simple rule: What we tend to focus on, we tend to attract.

If we focus on FAILURE...

“I can’t fail! I can’t fail!” “Oh my God, I hope I don’t mess this up...” “This is going to
end badly, I just know it.” “I don’t want to lose!” “I’m going to get rejected, I can feel

That is what we will attract, because we’re focusing on what we DON’T want.

If we focus on SUCCESS...

“I will succeed! I will do this!” “Oh my God, I know I can do this!” “This is going to
end exactly how I want it to, I just know it!” “I want to win!” “I’m going to get this, I
can feel it...”

That is what we will attract, because we’re focusing on what we DO want.

It doesn’t matter if you add a negative qualifier into your thoughts or not. Thinking “I
don’t want to fail” is still thinking about failure. When you think about something, that is
what you will get.

This is why people who focus on “losing weight” never really get thin. Because their
focus is still on their weight. It’s the people who focus on being healthy and thin who
lose the weight and keep it off.

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