The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

If you’re looking for something to do with your hands, lock your thumbs in your belt
above your pants pockets, with your fingers pointing down to your crotch. If you lean up
against a wall or a bar, thrust your hips forward slightly (not too much, remember to be
subtle!). This is a stance meant to communicate male sexuality.

You may think this is funny, me giving you advice witch is basically the equivalent of
“Point to your dick!!!!” But look at the psychology behind it.

How many times have you seen this type of pose on TV or in the movies? Not by the
hero, of course, but by the sexy bad boys that women so often swoon for? When the bad
boys do it, it signals to everyone who sees them “I’m a sexual threat. I am a dangerous
man for a woman to want to be with. I am a man and I make no apologies for what I

On a smaller scale, this is exactly what you are communicating as well. But in the bigger
picture, your goal should be to cultivate an aura of sexuality that will fascinate the
available women around you.

Don’t be afraid to take up space. Especially if you’re in a crowded area. You can
communicate this in how you stand and how you sit.

Stand straight up, shoulders back, legs shoulder-length apart, and hold your ground.
Don’t let others crowd you.

Too often, men will shrink their personal bubble in crowded areas so as not to touch
others. Don’t do this. Make physical contact with those around you and take up space.
This communicates a type of dominance to others, when they see others giving you the
space you want.

When you sit, lounge. Be comfortable. Sling your arm around the back of the chair.
Expose your crotch. Lean back. Show you’re at home with where you are. (Note: This
doesn’t mean you have to sit like this constantly. Just communicate that you’re

Part of doing this is learning how to read a woman’s body language as well as projecting
yours. Learn to size up the women around you and figure out who’s interested. Look at
the way they stand or sit. Make your choice and catch her eye. If she’s interested, you’ll
see her respond to you in some fashion. If she doesn’t, you might want to consider
moving on to a different target.

Be aware of how her body responds to you while you’re talking. Are her arms clasped
defensively? Open your arms up in response. Is her posture stiff and rigid? Relax your
body as you talk to her. Is her face drawn tight? Smile at her and relax your look.

In other words: Answer her body signals with opposite and complimentary signals of
your own.

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