The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


It’s always been my belief that “Inner Game” is the most important aspect of not only
meeting and enjoying women, but living a rich and fulfilling life.

Yet, so few people I have met truly have good Inner Game.

Even some of the best Pick-Up Artists that I have had the great pleasure of meeting and
hanging out with don’t seem to have a grasp on this part of their personal growth.

What is this “Inner Game” that so many people seem apt to talk about and discuss at
length, but which seems to elude everybody?

I look at Inner Game as a kind of internal mindset and belief system which affects your
actions, thoughts, and speech. Everything you are stems from this set of beliefs.

These beliefs are created at an early age, influenced by parents, siblings, friends, and life
experiences. But we also have a say in how we choose to process these influences, and
that determines how we play the game of life from within these little vehicles we call our

We even give a name to try and encapsulate all that Inner Game is meant to
encompass: Confidence!

But that only creates more confusion, because now we have one word that defines many
different beliefs (all of which vary from person to person).

Everyone tries to “be confident” on order to try and define what these beliefs are for
them. Some people try “faking it until they make it.” Others ignore it and try to make
due with what they have. Still others stay stuck, and never truly discover what
confidence is.

And confidence is never more apparent than when it comes to dealing with women.

Too often, men get their sense of confidence from the validation of women who tell them
they’re good looking, or smart, or talented, or prove it to them by sleeping with them.

Maybe that’s why men so crave sex, because once the act of sex is over, that validation
quickly fades into memory and we go about looking for our next fix.

Confident people don’t need sex.

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