The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

A confident man would not waste his time thinking about these things.

Instead, he’d be thinking about how much he loves the food at the restaurant he’s going
to take her to, about how he’ll find something else fun to do if she cancels, about how
good she’s going to be in bed when he bones her (whether she cums or not).

There is a fundamental difference between the “confident” and “unconfident” mindsets,
and it’s not about being “selfish” like you might think the Confident Guy is, or about
being an utter “pessimist” like Joe Blow.

It’s about how they see the world they live in.

Be aware of this little fact: Confidence is based on how you see the world around you.

People damage their potential for confidence by acting like psychic mind readers. They
construct a skewed view of the world based on their assumed notion of what others think
and feel.

Magical predictions about failure confirm the way you are used to feeling about yourself.

When men generate so much shame about anticipated failure and supposed subsequent
rejection, their sexual arousal quickly fades. They stop having fun. They set a down-
tone for any interaction they have. They think they will fail, and will be rejected by the
woman they so desperately want to impress.

So many guys are genuinely thinking about every woman’s likely response (after all, us
men are problem solvers by nature, and tend to look at every possibility).

But the cold, hard truth is that we are only thinking of ourselves!

We trust our immature, shame-based, self-critical feelings, and then believe our
embarrassing predictions are really going to happen! Our suspicion and mistrust has
nothing to do with each other and everything to do with our own utter lack of confidence.

FACT: People who lack confidence are self-centered.

I know this because I am extremely-self centered. Most “nice guys” are. This is where
the fallacy of “Nice Guys vs. Ass Holes” lies.

Nice Guys tend to be the most self-centered people out there. All their actions are in an
effort to please others so they can get that “validation fix” they so desperately want.

Therefore, their motives are selfish.

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