command. For more information about drop-downs on ribbon panels, see
Add Drop-downs to a Ribbon Panel on page 167.
In addition to using rows and sub-panels to organize commands, you can also
use menu separators. Menu separators are used to add space or lines between
commands and controls.
The following table describes the properties for the Line command of Row 1
on the Home 2D - Draw ribbon panel as they appear in the Properties pane.
Properties for the Line Command on Row 1 of the Home 2D - Draw Ribbon
Properties Description Example
Pane Item
Text used as the name and label of the com- Line
mand button; does appear in the user interface.
NOTEUse the “\n” character sequence to
represent a line break and display a command
label on more than one line. The “\n” character
sequence is displayed as a space instead of the
characters “\n” after the changes to the com-
mand are saved.
Large with Text (Vertic-
Controls the size and the label display of the
command. The available options are Large With
Text (Vertical), Large With Text (Horizontal),
SmallWithText, or SmallWithoutText.
NOTEIt is recommended to not use the Large
With Text (Horizontal) option as it takes up ex-
tra space on the ribbon.
Specifies the group name assigned to the com-
mand that is used to control the organization
of the command on a drop-down.
Text that contains the name of the command Line
as it appears in the Command List pane.
Creates straight line
Text used to describe the element; does not
appear in the user interface.
156 | Chapter 4 User Interface Customization