
(Steven Felgate) #1
While dragging the command or control, use the visual indicator bar to
specify the new position of the command or control. When the left arrow
appears, the command or control is moved to the front of the toolbar.

5 Click Apply.

To reposition a command or control on a toolbar in the Toolbar Preview

1 Click Manage tab ➤ Customization panel ➤ User Interface.

2 In the Customize User Interface Editor, Customize tab, in the
Customizations In <file name> pane, click the plus sign (+) next to the
Toolbars tree node to expand it.

3 Select the toolbar that contains the command or control you want to

4 In the Toolbar Preview, drag the command or control that you want to

While dragging the command or control, use the visual indicator bar to
specify the new position of the command or control.

5 Click Apply.

To reposition a command on a toolbar outside the CUI Editor
1 Display the toolbar you want to reposition a command on by
right-clicking over a toolbar button. Click the name of the toolbar.

2 Right-click over any toolbar button. Click Customize.

198 | Chapter 4 User Interface Customization

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