
(Steven Felgate) #1

Properties for the Zoom flyout on the Standard toolbar

Properties pane item Description Example

Text used to describe the element, does not appear
in the user interface.


A read-only value used to specify which toolbar is TB_ZOOM
being referenced to create the flyout.

Source Toolbar

Controls whether the last used toolbar button is set No
as the current button or not. The possible values are
Yes or No.

Use Own Button

ID string of the small-image resource (16 × 16 bit- RCDATA_16_ZOOM
map). The string must include alphanumeric charac-

Small Image

ters with no punctuation other than a hyphen (-) or
an underscore (_). It can also be a user-defined bit-
map. Click the [ ] button to open the Select Image
File dialog box.

ID string of the large-image resource (32 × 32 bit- RCDATA_16_ZOOM
map). If the specified bitmap is not 32 × 32, the

Large Image

program scales it to that size. The string must include
alphanumeric characters with no punctuation other
than a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_). It can also be
a user-defined bitmap. Click the [ ] button to open
the Select Image File dialog box

WARNINGDo not change the aliases for a toolbar that is being used as a flyout;
otherwise the link between the toolbar and flyout will become broken.

To create a flyout toolbar from scratch

1 Click Manage tab ➤ Customization panel ➤ User Interface.

2 In the Customize User Interface Editor, Customize tab, in the
Customizations In <file name> pane, click the plus sign (+) next to the
Toolbars tree node to expand it.

3 Right-click the toolbar to which you want to add a flyout toolbar. Click
New Flyout.

Toolbars | 203

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