
(Steven Felgate) #1

partial CUIx files 78
structure 50
XML-based format 48
customization groups 52 , 54
Customizations In pane (CUI editor) 44
Customize User Interface editor
about 39 , 42, 58
changes in customization and 48
Command List pane 45
Customizations In pane 44
customizing workspaces 70, 280,
Dynamic Display pane 47
FAQs 319
tree nodes 56
about customization 39
AutoCAD functions and features 1
commands 58, 92
Customize User Interface editor 39,
double click actions 68, 262
FAQs for 319
glossary of terms for 54
hatch patterns 27
hatches 27
images for commands 132
legacy interface elements 272
linetypes 19
locating customized files 8
migrating older customization
files 316
mouse button actions 69, 270
properties 233
pull-down menus 65 , 212
Quick Access toolbar 142
ribbon 61, 149, 294
shortcut keys 68
shortcut menus 67, 212
status line 325 – 326
tablet buttons 274
templates 14
toolbars 60, 64, 190
tooltips 241
types of customized files 8
user interface 39, 73

windows 296
workspaces 70, 280, 293


dashboard panel 55
hatch pattern definitions 30
linetype definitions 20
edtime DIESEL function 336
delaying slide shows 354
menus 231
ribbon items 155
toolbar buttons 190
dialog boxes
image tile dialog boxes 275
DIESEL expressions
about 325
customizing status line 326
error messages 343
macros and 101 , 112, 328
nesting 327
pull-down menu labels 329
quoted strings in 327
DIESEL functions
addition 331
and 335
angtos 335
catalog 331
division 332
edtime 336
eq 337
equal to 332
eval 338
fix 338
getenv 338
getvar 339
greater than 333
greater than or equal to 334
if 339
index 340
less than 333
less than or equal to 334
multiplication 331

Index | 361

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