
(Steven Felgate) #1
Now change the pattern to

0, 0,0,.5,.5,.5,-.5

It is the same, except that you have set delta-x to 0.5. This offsets each
successive family member by 0.5 in the direction of the line (in this case,
parallel to the X axis). Because the lines are infinite, the dash pattern slides
down the specified amount. The hatched area would look like this:

To create a hatch pattern with dashed lines
1 Open the acadlt.pat or acadltiso.pat file in a text editor that saves in ASCII
format (for example, Notepad).

2 Create a header line that includes an asterisk and a pattern name. The
name of the hatch pattern is limited to 31 characters.

3 (Optional) To include a description in the header line, follow the pattern
name with a comma and description text.

4 Create a descriptor line that includes
■ An angle at which the line is drawn

■ An X,Y origin point

■ A delta-x of any value if you want to offset alternating lines in the
line family

■ A delta-y of any value

■ A value for a dash length

■ A value for a dot length

■ An optional second value for a different dash length

■ An optional second value for a different dot length

32 | Chapter 3 Custom Hatch Patterns

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