
(Steven Felgate) #1

means that you can view a CUIx file from a future version in the previous
release while preserving the customization data from the future version.
However, you cannot modify the future version's CUIx file in the previous
release. For more information about migrating customization data, see Transfer
and Migrate Customization on page 316.

The following table lists the menu files that previously shipped with the
product and shows how those files are mapped to AutoCAD LT 2011.

Menu files mapped to CUIx files

In Auto- Description of change

Menu file Description

An XML file that defines
most user interface ele-

ASCII text file. In previous re- CUIx
leases, defined most user inter-


face elements. The main ments. The main CUIx file,
MNU file, aclt.mnu, was acadlt.cuix, is automatically
loaded when you start the

automatically loaded when
you started the product.
Partial CUIx files can be
loaded or unloaded as you

Partial MNU files could be
loaded or unloaded as you
need them during a drawing

needed them during a draw-
ing session.

An XML file that defines
most user interface ele-

Source menu file. Was the CUIx
same as the MNU ASCII text


file but did not contain com- ments. The main CUIx file,
ments or special formatting. acadlt.cuix, is automatically
loaded when you start the
Partial CUIx files can be
loaded or unloaded as you
need them during a drawing

An XML file that defines
most user interface ele-


Compiled ASCII text file.
Contained command strings


and syntax that defined the ments. The main CUIx file,
functionality and appearance acadlt.cuix, is automatically
of user interface elements. loaded when you start the
Partial CUIx files can be
loaded or unloaded as you

How Customization Has Changed | 49

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