Optional: Add sub-panels to organize commands
and controls within a row.
Add a sub-panel on page 159 -----
-----Create new commands as needed.
Create a new command on page
58 (workflow diagram)
Add commands and controls to the rows,
sub-panels, and drop-downs on the ribbon panel.
Add commands and controls on
page 161
Optional: Change the display and behavior of
the commands, controls, or drop-downs on the
ribbon panel.
To change the display and
behavior of a command, control
or drop-down on page 164
Optional: Add a command to the Panel Dialog
Box Launcher for the ribbon panel.
Assign a command to the Panel -----
Dialog Box Launcher on page 154
Once you have created a ribbon panel, it must be added to a ribbon tab before
it can be displayed on the ribbon. For more information about assigning a
ribbon panel to a ribbon panel, see the Create a Ribbon Tab on page 62
workflow diagram.
Create a Ribbon Tab
Ribbon tabs control and organize the display of a ribbon panel on the ribbon.
62 | Chapter 4 User Interface Customization