174 Forensic dentistry
Table 9.3 below is based on Keiser-Nielsen’s mathematical results for the
possible combinations of teeth showing or not showing a feature, for instance,
missing vs. present or restored vs. unrestored, etc.
In other words, if there are thirty-two teeth present, and x represents the
number of teeth that have been extracted or filled, then the table gives the
Table 9.3 Possible Combinations:
Teeth Exhibiting or Not Exhibiting a Feature
Number of Teeth
Showing Feature
Number of Teeth
Not Showing
1 32
1 32 31
2 496 30
3 4,960 29
4 35,960 28
5 201,376 27
6 906,192 26
7 3,365,856 25
8 10,518,300 24
9 28,048,800 23
10 64,512,240 22
11 129,024,480 21
12 225,792,840 20
13 347,373,600 19
14 471,435,600 18
15 565,722,720 17
16 601,080,390 16
17 565,722,720 15
18 471,435,600 14
19 347,373,600 13
20 225,792,840 12
21 129,024,480 11
22 64,512,240 10
23 28,048,800 9
24 10,518,300 8
25 3,365,856 7
26 906,192 6
27 201,376 5
28 35,960 4
29 4,960 3
30 496 2
31 32 1
32 1