310 Forensic dentistry Illinois v. Johnson, 1972
The first U.S. case involving a bitemark in human skin occurred in 1972. In
People (Illinois) v. Johnson, the defendant was accused of rape and aggravated
battery. There was a bitemark on the breast of the victim. An Illinois dentist,
Dr. Paul Green, testified that the teeth of Johnson were similar to the bite
pattern on the breast of the victim. Johnson was convicted of rape and aggra-
vated battery and his conviction was upheld at the appellate level.^9
Figure 14.2 linda peacock prior to autopsy. note ligature marks on neck and
vertical dried bloodstain anterior to left ear.
Figures 14.3 and 14.4 left: Bitemark pattern medial to the areola and nipple of
the right breast. right: Bitemark rotated so that the marks judged to have been
made by the maxillary teeth are at the top. note the circular features within
marks a and e.
PE: Okay that caption
is for two figures?