history of Forensic dentistry 23
will continue to make these types of valuable contributions to society and
forensic science.
There are several historical cases of interest in the area of bitemark
analysis. That historical information will be discussed in more detail in
Chapter 14.
- Dorion, R.B.J. 2005. Bitemark evidence. New York: Marcel Dekker.
- Cassius Dio, C., Earnest, F., Baldwin, H. 1914. Dio’s Roman history. London:
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- Hunter, W.W. 1885. The imperial gazetteer of India. 2nd ed. London: Trübner & Co.
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- Orfilla, C. 1829. Lesuere, Guerin case. Ann. Hyg. Publ. 1:464.
- Smith, F.J., ed. 1905. The late A. S. Taylor’s manual, 139 –41. 5th ed. London:
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- Amoëdo, O. 1898. L’Art Dentaire en Medicine Legale. Paris: Masson et Cie.
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- Mackenzie, R.S. 1869. Disinterment of the remains of William Rufus. Dental
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- McGrath, J.M. 1869. Identification of human remains by the teeth. Dental
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- Hill, I.R., ed. 1984. Forensic odontology. Bichester, UK: The Old Swan.
- Marco, B.B. 1898. A system to assist in the identification of criminals and others
by means of their teeth. Dental Cosmos 40:113–16.
- Amoedo, O. 1897. The role of the dentists in the identification of the victims
of the catastrophe of the “Bazar de la Charite,” Paris, 4th of May, 1897. Dental
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- Rosenbluth, E.S. 1902. A legal identification. Dental Cosmos 44:1029–34.
- Cigrand, B.J. 1910. Dental identification—A public service. Am. Dent. J. 9: 356–63.
- Prinz, H. 1915. A contribution to the tooth in its relation to forensic medicine.
Br. Dent. J. 36:383–86.
- Anon. 1906. Identification by teeth. Br. Med. J. 12354:343.
- Valenzuela, J. 1916. Identification of the dead by means of the teeth. Oral. Hyg.