Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition

(Barré) #1

index 427

in China, 35
in Roman empire, 32–33
modern systems, 38–42
components, 38
office, 49–56
funding of, 49
common denominator of all, 42
types of, 43
in U. S., 43
Dental arches, 197, 334
Dental casts, 28, 311, 312, 352
Dental charts, 120, 141, 147, 391
Dental exemplars, 348–350
Dental identification, 5, 17, 26–27, 54, 64,
ABFO guidelines and standards,
in Australia, 21
cases, 22
from dental records, 5, 19, 392
in England, 21
history, 12–23, 166
in multiple fatality incidents, 245–261
philosophy and legal basis for, 166–167
statistical and mathematical models,
steps, 167–172
antemortem examination, 168–170,
comparison, 170–172
postmortem examination, 167–168,
technological and scientific advances,
threshold, 125
tips and cautions, 181–183
tips and cautions for, 181–183
Dental radiology, 178
Dental records, 4
antemortem, 22, 26, 64, 168, 181
availability, 27
dental identification from, 5, 19, 392
HIPAA and, 257
mass disasters and, 259
postmortem, 167, 253
reconstruction of, 27
Dentin, 104
age determination and, 291
changes in, 284
for DNA recovery, 120
from maxillary molar, 107

primary teeth, 270
radiographic images, 190
sclerotic, 283
secondary, 282
tertiary, caries and, 282
transparent, 284
Dentinal tubules, 119, 284
Denture(s), 314
identification system, 21
marking, 20
Deutscher v. State, 411
Deutscher v. Whitley, 415
Diagnostic imaging techniques, 50
Diaphyseal lengths, 144
Digital photography, 96, 214, 216–219
Disaster Mortuary Operational Response
(DMORT), 76
Disaster-portable morgue units (DPMUs),
Disaster Squad, 82
Disaster Victim Identification (DVI), 82–83,
Disasters. See Mass incidents; Multiple
fatality incidents
Dismemberment, intentional, 400
organ, 53, 54
postmortem, 33
techniques, 178
DMORT. See Disaster Mortuary
Operational Response (DMORT)
amplification, 108–111
analysis, 111–112
contamination of, 109, 122, 124–125
databases, 125–127
equipment performance, 113, 396
evidence, 165–166
isolation, 106–108
laboratory processing, 106–114
laboratory quality assurance, 113–114
in management of mass incidents,
114 –119
communicating with laboratory in,
data management in, 119
establishing scope in, 116
evidence collection teams for, 117–118
planning in, 115
transportation and storage in, 118
mitochondrial, 105
molecular structure, 105
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