Forensic Dentistry, Second Edition

(Barré) #1
74 Forensic dentistry

of development. As the person becomes older, age-related changes can be
seen, such as osteophyte formation, calcification of the cartilaginous margins
of the ribs, and wearing changes of the symphysis pubis. These changes, along
with fusion of the cranial sutures, can be used to approximate age.
Ancestry becomes more and more complex as our society becomes more
global and less isolated. Traditionally, anthropologists acknowledged three
races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, and Negroid. However, with intermingling
of the races, distinct separations are often difficult. For instance, Hispanics
often show any combination of the three race categories. Ancestry determi-
nations often combine the classic features of each race, and computer pro-
grams are used to determine a likely lineage. Classically, Negroid crania show
wide nasal orifices, round/oval orbits, and alveolar prognathism; Caucasoid
crania have narrow nasal orifices, parabolic palates, and rectangular orbits;
and Mongoloid crania often demonstrate elliptical palates, complex cranial
sutures, and square orbits (see Chapter 8).
When a cranium is present, facial reconstruction can be performed in
addition to anthropologic analysis. The forensic artist is given the anthro-
pologic data of approximate age, sex, ancestry, and physical attributes (e.g.,
small, athletic). The morphologic properties of the cranium are combined
with the artist’s presumptive rendition of the soft tissue features, includ-
ing eye color and hairstyle, to generate either a sketch or model of how the
deceased looked in life (Figure 5.20). A photo of the resulting face can then be
distributed to the media or local community in an attempt to find a witness
who can identify the individual. Unfortunately, the resulting image does not
always accurately approximate the deceased and may end up misdirecting
the investigation.


Figure 5.20 Facial reconstruction sketch (a) and model (B) of two different
unidentified cases.

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