Interior Design Faculty

(singke) #1

registration and academic policies 319


Last day to add a
class or change

Sep. 10 Jan. 28 May 13

Last day to drop
a class with 100%

Aug. 27 Jan. 1 4 May 13

Last day to drop
a class with 85%

Sep. 3 Jan. 21 N/A

Last day to drop
a class with 70%

Sep. 10 Jan. 28 N/A

Last day to drop
a class with 55%

Sep. 17 Feb. 4 May 28

It is the responsibility of the student to

officially withdraw from any registered

course or section. This decision must be

completed online through Academic

Tools or by filing a properly completed

drop/add form with the Registrar’s

Office. Failure to attend classes, to notify

the instructor, or to make or complete

tuition payment does not constitute

an official withdrawal. A student who

does not officially withdraw from a

registered course will receive an F for

nonattendance. Students who stop

attending a course without having

officially dropped the course during

the published refund period will not be

eligible for a retroactive refund.

Students may withdraw from a

course during the first 11 weeks of the

fall or spring semesters. A class that is

dropped from a student’s schedule after

the second week of the semester will

remain on the student’s academic record

with the noncredited designation of WD

(withdrawal). No course withdrawal will

be accepted after the published deadline.

WD grades earned via the official

withdrawal procedure cannot be changed.

Complete Withdrawal

from the Institute

Students who are leaving Pratt without

graduating are required to fill out a

Complete Withdrawal form in the

Registrar’s Office. This form permits the

Registrar to drop or withdraw a student

from all registered classes (a student

cannot do this online). The form also

serves to advise relevant offices that a

student is no longer enrolled. Students

who withdraw need to be advised

about any financial obligations and any

academic repercussions of their actions.

They will also be required to complete an

Exit Interview in the Registrar’s Office.

The date that the Complete

Withdrawal form is turned into the

Registrar’s Office is the official date used

for withdrawal. This date determines

eligibility for WD grades and a student’s

charges for the term of withdrawal.

Only the submission of a Complete

Withdrawal form will deactivate your

status as a currently enrolled student.

Until that time, registration and billing

stay in effect and grades of F will be

issued for class absences.

None of the following actions cause an

official withdrawal or reduces financial

liability for a semester:

▶ (^) Notifying a faculty member,
department chair,
or academic advisor.
▶ (^) Failure to pay the student account.
▶ (^) Failure to attend classes.
The Complete Withdrawal form must be
signed by the student, their department’s
chair or academic advisor, a financial aid
counselor, the bursar, and the Director of
Residential Life (if living in a residence
hall). International students should also
obtain the signature of the Office of
International Affairs. Students who are
not enrolled during either the fall or the
spring semester and have not completed
a Complete Withdrawal or Leave of
Absence form will be officially withdrawn
from the Institute and will need to apply
for readmission.
Leave of Absence
A student in good academic and financial
standing may request a leave of absence
for not more than two consecutive
semesters (excluding summer sessions).
Students must apply with a Leave of
Absence Request form in the Office of the
▶ (^) Students must apply for a leave of
absence on or before the last day to
withdraw from classes for any given
▶ (^) Only students in good academic and
financial standing will be approved.

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