Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1


A Check your understanding of Desuggestopedia.

1   What    are some    of  the ways    that    direct  positive    suggestions were    present in  the
lesson? Indirect positive suggestions?
2 How are the arts integrated into the lesson we observed?

B Apply what you have understood about Desuggestopedia.

1   Most    teachers    do  not have    control of  the classrooms  in  which   they    teach.  This    does
not mean that they cannot provide an environment designed to reduce the barriers
their students bring with them, however. Can you think of ways that you might do
2 Make a list of 10 grammatical points about the target language that you would
want to display on posters to encourage beginning students’ peripheral learning.
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