Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching 3rd edition (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language)

(Nora) #1

YouTube is a website where one can watch and share short videos (for web address,
see page 218). Most YouTube videos are available to anyone who has a high-speed
connection to the Internet. The range of topics is vast, including actual videos from
language classrooms, lectures, and small vignettes from everyday life.


A wiki is a quick way of being able to create and edit web-documents. Wikis are very
useful in collaborative writing tasks, and they are very good for highlighting and
observing the process of writing.

Electronic Text Corpus

An electronic text corpus is a collection of authentic spoken and written texts, often
consisting of thousands, if not millions, of words. The corpus is computer-searchable.
A teacher or a student can find many instances of a particular word or phrase as it is
used in a sentence. The instances can then be analyzed for the form, meaning, and use
of a word or expression, its frequency, and for what precedes and what follows it in a

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