Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

100 Part II: Winning Friends and Influencing People

Table 6-2 (continued)

Pattern Eyes move to
the subject’s

What’s happening

Sample of

Centre left Remembering
sounds heard

Hear your own
doorbell ring

Auditory inter-
nal dialogue

Bottom left Talking to oneself Ask yourself what
you want
Kinaesthetic Bottom right Feelings, emo-
tions, sense of

Notice the tem-
perature of your

Figure 6-1 shows the kind of processing that most people do when they move
their eyes in a particular direction. A small percentage of the population,
including about half of all left-handers, are reversed – their eye movements
are the mirror image of those shown.

The illustration in Figure 6-1 is drawn as if you’re looking at someone else’s
face and shows how you see their eyes move. So, for example, if they’re
moving up and to your right into the visual remembered position, your own
eyes would be shifting up and to your left if you’re trying it out on yourself in
a mirror.

By developing your sensory awareness – spotting those little details – you
can become more attuned to how people may be thinking at different times.
When you know this information, you can select your words so that they
listen to you.

Figure 6-1:

Visual constructed

Auditory constructed Auditory remembered

Visual remembered

Kinaesthetic Auditory (internal) dialogue

Vc Vr

Ac Ar

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