Neuro Linguistic Programming

(Wang) #1

48 Part I: Introducing NLP

Distinguishing means-to-an-end values
Values can be ends values or means values, with means values occurring fur-
ther down the hierarchy, acting as the rungs in a ladder that enable you to
reach your ends values. Freedom is an ends value and all the other values in
Figure 3-3 are means values. Means values are those that need to be fulfilled
in order to get you to your final, ends value. Freedom is harder to quantify
than, say, money. In the example, you can have money without having free-
dom, but to have freedom you need money. So freedom – which is an ends
value – is dependent on money – a means value.

Figure 3-3:
A ladder of



Personal Development


Your values can drive you towards pleasure or away from pain:

‘Towards’ values ‘Away-from’ values
Love Guilt
Freedom Sadness
Health Loneliness
Happiness Anger
Wealth Poverty
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