The Drawings of Michelangelo and His Followers in the Ashmolean Museum

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P 1 :KsF
0521551331 c 01 a CUNY 160 /Joannides 052155 133 1 January 10 , 2007 22 : 25


Recto: Pen, faint offset traces in black chalk.
Verso: Pen and ink and black chalk.

There is a repaired tear; the edges are discoloured, bruised,
and nicked. The surface is disturbed and is fracturing.
There is a strong vertical crease and skinning, small inden-
tations, and fibrous accretions. Discolouration and stain-
ing are visible, particularly at the lower right and right
edge, and there is some ink show-through. The recto of
this page has suffered more than the others in this series
from over-exposure to light.

A.M...fer(Messer?)roma Silvio ̃ıroma falconi da magliano
silvio di Damagliano in roma

The inscription is given to Michelangelo by some students and
not by others. The compiler tends to think it is not autograph.
B.Aseated figure in right profile (very faint).
C.Aseated figure in right profile with the right arm
This may be a first idea for the woman at the right of theIesse-
David-Salmonlunette; in the fresco, however, it is her left arm
that is stretched forward. This figure seems to have been drawn
after D; it is revised in G.
D.God the Father Separating Light from Darkness.
Michelangelo does not seem to have turned the sheet to
draw this figure. Robinson’s remark deserves quotation: “This
majestic impersonation was very little altered in the fresco,
and the difference which exists is perhaps to the disadvan-
tage of the latter; for it was impossible to surpass, or even
to retain, in a finished work, the fervent energy displayed in
every touch or rather scratch of the pen in this admirable
E.Seated nude figure facing forward, his right leg bent
up, his left stretched down.
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