The Drawings of Michelangelo and His Followers in the Ashmolean Museum

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to his right; the right leg also tried in a kneeling pose, in
This is probably a first idea for anignudo;itbears some
relation to that to the left aboveHieremias.
F. Indecipherable offset traces from a black chalk drawing.

Bonthe verso was copied in pen c.15 8 0 byAndrea
Commodi on Uffizi 18654 Frecto.

Ottley, 1808 – 23 ,p. 29 .Woodburn, 1836 b, included in
no. 2. Fisher, 1852 ,p. 1 , pl. 2 ,right (Recto); pl. 3 , left
(Verso). Fisher, 1865 ,p. 16 ,I,pl. 2 ,right (Recto); pl. 3 ,
left (Verso). Robinson,187 0,no. 25. 2 (Michel Angelo.
Recto: “has considerable resemblance to the well-known
figure, on the reverse of the medal of Michel Angelo
in his eighty-eighth year, executed by Leone Leoni of
Arezzo, upwards of fifty years after the probable date of
the present drawing.” Verso: [A] “apparently...for the

lunette figure on the right side, beneath...Cumaea.”).
Fisher,187 2,I,p. 13 , pl. 2 ,right (Recto); pl. 3 , left
(Verso) (As 1852 .). Fisher,187 9, XVII. 2 / 17 right (Recto);
XVII. 2 a/ 18 left (Verso). Steinmann, 1905 , II, pp. 450 ,
604 ,no. 59 A, right (Recto: reading man perhaps a first
idea ofNaason, later switched to profile view; the old man
in theSalmonlunette, standing.); no. 59 B,left (Sketches
for lunettes including sleeping Jacob from lostPhares-
Esron-Aramlunette.). Thode, 1908 ,I,pp. 266 , 267 , 271
(Michelangelo. Verso: [A] woman with child on her knee
forEzechiaslunette; [B] the woman with the mirror for
theNaasonlunette, in reverse; other sketches cannot be
precisely related to frescoes.). K. Frey, 1909 – 11 ,no. 153. 10
(Recto: “fur Michelagniolo viel zu swach gezeichnet.”); ̈
no.15 4. 13 (Verso: [A] related toEzechiaslunette; if [B]
is related to woman inNaasonlunette, it is in reverse.).
Thode, 1913 ,no. 413 (Michelangelo. Recto: old beggar;
verso: as 1908 .). Berenson, 1938 ,no. 1703 ,note (Recto
corresponds in design to the reverse of Leoni’s medal of
1561 .Is“this sketch...the copy of a drawing from his
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