The Drawings of Michelangelo and His Followers in the Ashmolean Museum

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P 1 : KsF
0521551331 c 01 b CUNY 160 /Joannides 052155 133 1 January 11 , 2007 6 : 36


There is discolouration from adhesive residues, foxing,
and local staining.

At the right edge are three short horizontal lines, two
of which are placed closely together just above half the
page’s height, while the third is near the upper edge.
Nearer the figure, running down the page, is a longer
irregularly curving line, terminated above by a short hor-
izontal, which corresponds in length to the figure’s right
calf: This is labelledcoscia(thigh) in the artist’s handwrit-
ing. Nearer to the calf are two further short horizontals

and the inscription5P(palmi) in the artist’s handwrit-
ing. These lines and inscriptions were clearly made by
Michelangelo with a view to determining the dimensions
of the marble block.

The remarks made in Cat. 26 apply also to the drawing
on the recto of this sheet, which must be en-suite with
it and with those in Haarlem. Each of these drawings
emphasises slightly different effects. In the present draw-
ing, Michelangelo was concerned primarily to work out
the relation of the torso, established with rich modelling,
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