The Drawings of Michelangelo and His Followers in the Ashmolean Museum

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this and other drawings like [Cat. 26 ]were made.”).
Weinberger, 1967 ,pp.31 2– 13 (Recto: preparatory for
Day,fromwhich it differs considerably in detail. Verso:
studies for right arm ofNight.). Hartt, 1971 ,no. 228
(Recto:15 2 0– 1 .ForDay. “The transparency of these
forms may indicate that the definitive pose was dawning
on Michelangelo as he drew.”); no. 293 (Verso:15 2 7?.
For the right arm ofVictory, rather than theNight.).
Gere and Turner, 1975 ,no. 61 (Recto: forDay.Verso:
for right arm ofNight.). De Tolnay, 1975 , Corpus I,
no. 213 (Recto: study forDay,15 2 4.Verso: for the right
arm ofNight,15 2 4– 6 ). Hirst, 1988 ,pp. 62 – 3 (Recto:
early study forDay, “concerned with the anatomical
implications of the general disposition only. The model
has been studied from a significantly further viewpoint
than...[Haarlem A 33 /VT 58 /Corpus 218 ]. This and a
fugitive notation of scale may indicate that Michelan-
gelo was occupied here also with calculating the height
of the block.” TheDaynot cut from an ad hoc block.
The drawing shows link of Michelangelo’s drawing and
carving practice “it is the main form only which is his
real concern. The neglect of the head in the...drawing
finds its parallel in the inchoate state of the head in the

unfinished statue.” Verso: for right arm ofNight. “[O]ne
upper left...taken furthest, yet this is a view that the
visitor to the Chapel would never see.”). Hirst, 1988 – 9 ,
no. 29 (Verso: “in the lower left study...a long strand
of hair falls over the right shoulder” of a female model.).
Per rig, 1991 ,p. 23 , fig. 89 (Recto: by Giulio Clovio.).
Per rig, 1999 ,pp. 224 (As 1991 ;from Farnese group.).


Recto: A Dragon
Ve r so: Various Sketches
184 6. 69 ;R. 13 ;P.II 323 ; Corpus 96

Dimensions: 254 × 338 mm

Recto: Pen and ink over establishing lines in black chalk;
red chalk.
Ve r so: Red and black chalk.
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