The Drawings of Michelangelo and His Followers in the Ashmolean Museum

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invariably wrong. The earliest recorded owner of the
original is Dominique-Vivant Denon, and it may have
been among the sheets given to Antonio Mini – who
had, after all, worked on it – brought by him to France
and left there at his death. But Vivant Denon acquired
drawings from many sources so this is far from certain.
2. Robinson and Parker drew attention to Woodburn’s
reference to another copy, attributed to A. Carracci – pre-
sumably Agostino – which was also owned by Lawrence,
but neither author knew it. The attribution to one of the
Carracci is unlikely to be correct if the present drawing
was part of Mini’s cache; if it is correct, then the original
waspresumably in Italy when the copy was made. Noth-
ing further seems to be known about this copy, which
the compiler has been unable to identify in any of Wood-
burn’s sales.

Antonio Mini?; Baron Dominique-Vivant Denon
(L. 779 ); Sir Thomas Lawrence (no stamp); Samuel

Sir Thomas Lawrence, letter of 27 March182 9to Penry
Williams (reprinted in Williams, 1831 , II, pp. 244 – 5 )
(“You have taken great pains with your principal fig-
ure, and the eyes are as well drawn as the features of
her sweet countenance; but in the two boys...the eyes
are too dark and ill-formed; let this carelessness be soon
impossible to you....Be at pains often to draw that fea-
ture, I can quote you high authority for it. I have a sheet
of eyes drawn by Michael Angelo for some young Penry
Williams, whose genius had excited the friendly effort.”).
Lawrence Inventory, 1830 ,M.A.Buonaroti, Case 1 ,
Drawer 1 ,no. 33 [ 1830 - 35 ] (“Design for a Chimera,
bold pen, on the reverse is a singular and interesting les-
son which M. Angelo has given to Andrea Mini with
Autograph Observations.”). Woodburn, 1836 b,no. 96
(“[O]n the reverse are some studies of eyes and a head,
which appear to have been drawn by M. Angelo for his
scholar, Andrea [sic] Mini, who has copied them very
indifferently....This curious drawing has been copied
byA. Carracci, and is placed by the original.”). Wood-
burn,184 2,no. 22 (As 1836 .). Woodburn, 1853 no. 30
(Recto reproduced.). Robinson,187 0,no. 13 (A teach-
ing drawing. On the verso Michelangelo provided mod-
els in black chalk for a pupil to copy, which the master
then revised. On the recto, the dragon was drawn over
outline sketches that were probably made at the same
time as those on the verso. Seems to be no clue as to

which Andrea was intended. Datable no later than15 0 0.).
Black, 1875 ,p. 213 ,no. 13. Gotti, 1875 , II, p. 235. Fisher,
187 9, VIII/ 8 (Verso: “Drawn by Michelangelo as a lesson
for a pupil, Andrea.”), IX/p. 3 (Recto: “A Dragon or
Chimera.”). Berenson, 1903 ,I,p. 245 ,no. 1555 (Recto:
Michelangelo c.15 0 7, oversketches by his pupil Andrea.
Ve r so: drawing lessons by Andrea.). Colvin, 1905 , III,
no. 6 A (Recto:15 0 4– 8 ; displays influence of Leonardo;
the profile next to the dragon’s head by Michelangelo;
the other by a pupil.); no. 6 B(Ve r so: “Pupil’s and mas-
ter’s work seem on this sheet somewhat mixed up”; upper
head [D] not by Michelangelo himself; the work of “one
fairly good [D] and one wretched [O] pupil.” “Of the
single eyes drawn as a lesson in profile and full face one
or two seem to be the master’s work alone, one or two
pupil’s work alone and others pupil’s work retouched by
the master.”). Thode, 1908 , II, p. 112 (Recto: linked with
New Sacristy candelabra.); p.34 0(Verso: [D] autograph;
[O] copy by Andrea.). K. Frey, 1909 – 11 ,no. 133 (Recto:
Michelangelo over sketches by Mini. c.153 0, not an early
work; perhaps some relation toApollo and Python; end
of tail an addition.); no. 134 (Verso: Detailed consider-
ation of drawings; none by Michelangelo, although the
writing is his; all by a pupil: Antonio Mini, not Andrea
Quaratesi. Critique of Colvin, Robinson, and Thode.).
Thode, 1913 ,no. 398 (Recto: c.153 0, Michelangelo over
sketches of heads by Mini. Verso: references to Andrea
Quaratesi must be either part of a letter or aricordo.
Michelangelo responsible for: [D, I, W]; [D] copied by
Mini in [O]. Criticism of Frey’s views.). Fischel, 1921 , pl.
34 (Recto: related toPurgatorio, viii, 94 .). Zoff, 1923 , pl.
41 (Recto). Popp, 1925 a,pp. 9 , 13 – 14 , 18 – 19 (Recto: not
before summer15 2 3; dragon by Michelangelo over pro-
files by Mini; profile to right of dragon [B] corrected by
Michelangelo. Verso: Mini, links with BM W 40 verso/
Corpus 315 , and Uffizi 599 E/B 186 /Corpus 308 , also by
Mini.). Popp, 1925 – 6 ,p. 173 (Recto: as 1925 .). Panofsky,
1927 – 8 ,pp. 230 – 6 (Verso: writing all by one hand, that
of Antonio Mini “mit Variationen in Minis naturlichem ̈
Schreibstil” because he is imitating the handwriting of
Michelangelo. Recto: Sketches by Mini under “der wun-
dervolle Drache Michelangelos.”). Popham, 1930 a,no.
499 .Popham, 1931 ,no. 218 (Recto: Michelangelo over
sketches by Mini; datable15 2 3– 31 .Verso: “the writing
has no reference whatever to the drawing.”). Berenson,
1935 ,pp. 264 – 9 (Recto: uncertain between Michelan-
gelo and Andrea di Michelangelo, who may be Stefano
di Tommaso Lunetti. Verso: Andrea.). Berenson, 1938 ,I,
pp. 250 , 363 ,no. 1555 (As 1935 .c.153 0. Recto: perhaps for
candelabra of New Sacristy.). Delacre, 1938 ,pp. 69 – 71 ,
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