Rolando Gomez. Rolando Gomez's Lighting for Glamour Photography: Techniques for Digital Photographers. 2010

(Greg DeLong) #1

Black Reflectors.

We discussed only white, gold, silver, and zebra
reflectors above, but the truth is, other colors
reflect light too—even black. If you recall, the
90 percent rule states that pure black absorbs 90
percent of the light that hits it. It reflects 10 per-
cent of the light that strikes it.
We often use black modifiers (scrims, cutters,
flags, etc.) to block or reduce the light that is
striking our subject, but in reality they also reflect light. When we use a black
reflector, the light being reflected has black tonal qualities. These qualities
help to add more detail in highlights like blond hair, white clothes, white walls,
etc. Black can be used to create shade outdoors too.
Using a black reflector can also help keep a model from squinting, even if
the black panel is placed slightly off camera, just to the side of the photogra-
pher and pointed back at the model.

In Summary.

While there are many brands and types of reflectors on the market—and I’ve
probably tried them all—none come close to the performance of the California
Sunbounce. I know someone will say, “Well, Rolando, you are recommending
them because you are sponsored by them.” My response is simple: I don’t ac-
cept any sponsorships for a product I don’t personally use and believe in. The
California Sunbounce was first introduced to me by top bikini-glam
photographer Andy Pearlman ( When I first saw
the results he was achieving (without an assistant), I asked him where
to purchase one. Later I would learn the California Sunbounce
owner and inventor of the products, Peter Gellar, was a professional
photographer with almost 10,000 cover credits to his name and the
1971 World Press International Photographer of the Year. I thought, “Finally!
A product invented by a top professional photographer.”
My point in writing this chapter was not to sell you a California Sunbounce.
Rather, I wanted to show you that while there are many tools available, some
allow us to work smarter, more accurately, and more efficiently, separating us
from other photographers. I don’t like to work hard, I like to work smart,
and I can say that the California Sunbounce system has improved my photog-
raphy when reflectors and scrims are needed. I can easily take them with me
on location, and I also use them in the studio for kicker lights and reflected
light sources when I combine them with studio flash units.



Most professional photographers wear black, especially when

shooting on location. Black gives your model a place to rest
her eyes. The worst thing a photographer can do is wear a

bright-colored or bright white t-shirt on the beach when pho-
tographing bikini models. Don’t be a beach reflector if you’re

the one with a camera in your hands!

Finally! A product invented by a
top professional photographer.
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