
(sharon) #1

A list of drugs utilized in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease is provided in
the Appendix. Detailed tables show doses, recommendations, expectations, side
effects, contraindications, and more; available on the book’s Web site (see URL
in Appendix).


Muscle spasms and pain are associated with traumatic injuries and many chronic
debilitating disorders such as multiple sclerosis. Spasms are caused by hyperex-
citable neurons stimulated by cerebral neurons or from lack of inhibition of the
stimulus in the spinal cord or at the skeletal muscles.
Muscle relaxants are used to treats muscle spasms. There are two groups of
muscle relaxants: centrally acting and peripherally acting. Centrally acting mus-
cle relaxants depress neuron activity in the spinal cord or in the brain. They are
used to treat acute spasms from muscle trauma, but are less effective for treating
spasms caused by chronic neurological disorders.

CHAPTER 15 Nervous System Drugs^289

Foods Effects
Cheese (cheddar, Swiss, bleu) Sweating, tremors
Bananas, raisins Bounding heart rate
Pickled foods Increased blood pressure
Red wine, beer Increased temperature
Cream, yogurts
Chocolate, coffee
Italian green beans
Soy sauce

Table 15-1. MAO inhibitors can cause a hypertensive crisis if
taken with these foods.

Avoid taking barbiturates, tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, central
nervous system depressants, and over-the-counter cold medications with
MAO inhibitors.
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