
(sharon) #1


Epilepsy is a seizure disorder where there is an abnormal electric discharge
from the cerebral neurons that result in loss or disturbance of consciousness and
convulsion (abnormal motor reaction). Epilepsy affects 1% of people in the
United States.
Half the epilepsy cases are secondary to trauma, brain anoxia, infection,
lesions, or cerebrovascular disorder (CVA) [commonly referred to as a stroke].
Cause of the other half is unknown (idiophatic). Seventy-five percent of persons
with seizures had their first seizure before 18 years of age. There are various

CHAPTER 15 Nervous System Drugs^293

Effects of Cholinergic and Anticholinergic Drugs(continued)
Body Tissue Cholinergic Response Anticholinergic Response
Genitourinary Contracts the muscles of the Relaxes the bladder detrusor
urinary bladder, increases tone muscle and increases
of the ureters, and relaxes the constriction of the internal
bladder’s sphincter muscles. sphincter. Urinary retention
Stimulates urination. can result.
Eye+ Increases papillary constriction, Dilates pupils of the eye
or miosis (pupil becomes smaller), (mydriasis) and paralyzes
and increases accommodation ciliary muscle (cycloplegia),
(flattening or thickening of eye causing a decrease in
lens for distant or near vision). accommodation.
Glandular* Increases salivation, perspiration, Decreases salivation,
and tears sweating, and bronchial
Bronchi (lung)* Stimulates bronchial smooth Dilates the bronchi and
muscle contraction and increases decreases bronchial
bronchial secretions. secretions.
Striated muscle+ Increases neuromuscular Decreases tremors and
transmission and maintains rigidity of muscles.
muscle strength and tone.
Central nervous system Drowsiness, disorientation,
and hallucination can result
from large doses.

*Tissue responses to large doses of cholinergic drugs

  • Major tissue responses to normal doses of cholinergic drugs

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